Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Palin Comparison

Heres my two cents worth.

I listened to bits of her hyperventilating-dashing-to-the-finish-line-before-even-more-shit-hits-the-fan press conference, as she stands on some grassy knoll where her heels sunk in, you know, the ridiculousness of that apparent to anyone stupid enough to try walking in heels on anything other than city streets. A sinking feeling. Gives one kind of an odd stance to the foot.......and of course affects the whole posture thing. Maybe that was why she was so outta breath? Or was it the gasping for words.......sorry......grasping for words, whilst fearful of falling over backwards?

Symbolically speaking, she already has, legs in the air, skirt around the ears, spanx-wearer identified. Even her self-manufactured props.......Bristol, Trig, Nancy, Todd, Huey, Dewey, Louie may make for a nice photo op on the Heritage home page, but really only fool her conehead supporters. See awesome photo op on the right.

Underestimating this woman´s ambition is like overestimating the taste of right-wing nutia. The appeal of shooting wolves from a helicopter seems to reach beyond NRA members and Yosemite Sam. Relatability factor? I am stumped.

I cannot begin to fathom the unfathomable depths this narcissistic caricature of a looney tune - with a Jessica Rabbit identity crisis - will sink to. Seriously, who, name any sane person, would stand in front of a turkey killing machine to give an interview? While running for the Vice-Presidency? While running for anything?

Whatever – this speech, her entire persona, unfortunately is consistent, in all its inconsistencies, with all those speeches&antics preceding them....... what - nine months since she appeared center stage back in September. Dropping from the sky – a gift from heaven?

Well, McCain sure was praying she was. Too bad for him this paratrooper was dropping from heaven with a faulty parachute. As the speed picked up, the force of gravity pulling hard, the seams started splitting, holes a-gaping, she fell flat on her face. And pretty much sent the GOP into disarray.

Yet she just keeps going, like the EverReady Bunny. And that thing is annoying as hell.

Did she even know the meaning of the word „politician“ before she stepped into the ring? I don´t think so. It`s like this: you sign up for a boxing fight. And your opponent is Mike Tyson. I mean, you gotta know the guy is gonna beat the shit out of you, no? Well, Palin signed up for exactly that when stepping into the political ring. And the political ring has a whole bunch of Tysons – except they are hardhitters WITH brains (as opposed to no brains, Tyson´s brain rejected at birth)

What Palin wanted, still wants, it seems, was/is to be a celebitician, a kind of beauty pageant-politician combo platter. Her emphasis on the celebrity part. Whenever things didn´t go her way ie she was revealed for the petty, vindictive, just plain stupid type she is, she engaged in self-promotional combat, pulling out the "unfair" card and acting like a spoiled brat.

Her undercooked stew of words really is like listening to Miss Teen South Carolina 30 years down the line. Still knows nothing and her head still as empty as Wanda´s fish tank. Its kinda like putting words into a cup, shaking it and letting them spill out. That is how she spoke......speaks. Completely jumbled shit.

"I am a victim of political bloodsport" (um, yeah)
"Thats the quitters way hunker down and go with the flow" (um......didn´t you just quit?)
"passing the ball for the good of the team" (which team is that? The Palin Pussies?)
"not gonna put Alaskans through that" (yeah, you´ve already put them through the meatgrinder)
"I just want peace" (is that why you invited 4 more news team up North, giving them the folksy shtick dressed in waders?)
"I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint. I hope you will join me. Now is the time to rebuild and help our nation achieve greatness!" (Obama is in office, remember? I think its safe to say our country is in as capable hands as possible, taking into consideration the situation he inherited)

Reading them does make me think she is truly stark raving mad cow disease afflicted. Its a jumble of contradictions.

Sarah Palin is a case study of the Peter principle. Reaching for a level of incompetency. I reckon she reached that the moment she stepped off the beauty-pageant pageant.

What induces me to write about this phenomenon is that people still like her. I think thats what astonishes me most. How can someone inspire you who only wants glory but isn´t willing to do the grind? Who exploits her own kids? What kind of role model is that?

"My favorite shop is „Out of the Closet“."

All I can say is: please put her back in the closet, lock the door and throw away the key. Cause all she is full of herself and no one else. We got enough of those types and they can at least sing or act or both. They´re called actors and singers. She can´t do anything except pageant walk. And aint enough for anything. And shouldn´t be an inspiration for anybody.

You know, we all know that we know nothing. What the soon-to-be-former-governor of Alaska doesn´t know pales in comparison.

You have to be able to look with your heart. That makes you human. She only looks at the world with a calculating glint in her eyes.

She is like the Terminator. „I´ll be back“. If she really has an understanding with the Lord, then I suggest she take his advice.

I rest my case.

1 comment:

Bart Alder said...

Once again, another great commentary.

"Seriously, who, name any sane person, would stand in front of a turkey killing machine to give an interview? While running for the Vice-Presidency? While running for anything? "


I think it's interesting that she not only chose the spot for the interview... she then lied about that afterwards.

The woman is plain demented.