Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Its time to grab the bull by the honor of Ted Kennedy

Will the untimely death of Senator Edward Kennedy maybe possibly bring the democrats to their senses?

It bloody well better.

Pass a bill, pass a bill with a strong public option - grab your balls and do it. Talking to you Grassley you lying sack know what. And Baucus. You lamer than lame corrupt wanna-be Tony Soprano.

Otherwise, wrath of God time. And Senator Kennedy is up there now. And he will throw bolts of lightening up your asses. Yeah, you too, Sen. McCain.

Bob Cesca explains it in a bit more detail why this will happen if we don´t do whats right. Well, actually, the Gang of Six have to get it right. Reminds me of the Gang of Four back in Mao's time. Any connection? Probably not, the gang of four were a helluva a lot smarter.

On a more somber note (yes, I can be somber, especially since I just saw this on the history channel)

Martin Luther King Jr was shot April 4th, 1968
Robert Kennedy was shot two months later, June 6th, 1968.
Edward Kennedy died today.

They all fought for what's right. Haven´t we learned anything over the past forty years? The right thing now is every persons right in one of the richest nations in the world to affordable health care. Insuring cars is mandatory. Do we value our cars more?


Abbie said...

Haha I love this particular blog. I wanted to bring up the whole health care thing in my last blog but I figured I should save it for a blog all it's own. The article was awesome as well. Congratulations for being well informed!

Anna Anaconda said...

health care could indeed merit an individual blog.

and thanks - right back at you!