Sunday, July 6, 2008

high visibility bibs for sale and 50% off on jumpsuits due to unconvincing Cate Blanchett performance

Finally, I managed to pull myself by the scruff of the neck, bleeding heart and all..... and went to see "Indiana Jones and the completely retarded rest of the title skull thing. ( Even though I had sworn back in November to one of the first to see this movie......well, better late than ever.....or never.....or whatever, I always say)

I must congratulate myself on the correct premonition that the bag Ms. Blanchett bears is indeed a barf bag. Too bad the ravenous ants were tricked and didn´t devour her.

Dull. Not one single even chuckle-worthy one-liner. Not one. The only thing that was mildly amusing was Cate Blanchett´s attempt at a Russian accent. Kinda like Queen Elisabeth pretending to be a Russian spy. You know "I am Elisabeth so I can get away with a really crappy accent" And I´m not sure if she did much in the way of a sales boost of jump suits.

And that alien twist - ooh brother. I think its time to propel George RIA-Dummwit-or-wtf-Lucas into space. You know - escape velocity. Although in his case its more of head-on-a-pike so we can throw fruit at it or strap him to the side of the next space shuttle mission rocket. Untie him somewhere between Pluto and RX5-ante-hell-planet-nr.47 - close to the nearest big black hole and the astronauts tell him "hey, we´ll be right back, we just have to get some more jet propulsion fuel stuff." then never come back.

So, theres George, wearing his high-visibility bib, waiting patiently, tettering on the edge of this massive black hole. Eventually, he´ll fall in - you know, sonic waves from fly bys, space quakes and stuff. If the search party waits long enough, he´ll have fallen in and they can call it off - with a clear conscience, knowing all of mankind has been done a huge service. Well, at least all movie goers will be spared any more retarded completely moronic badly written devoid of any smidgen-of-an-idea prequels.

Yes. thats what he deserves. Either that, or Spielberg pulls rank on him and sends him to Tom Cruise´s bunker in Idaho. Or where ever that is. You know, to perform underterrestrial DNA extraction.

um, yeah, its summer. its hot. And Hancock was definitely better. Sex and the City is next. Yeah, I know, I´m kinda late and certainly one the last people to see this film.

1 comment:

Bart Alder said...

One of the worst films ever.

Southpark did an entire episode devoted to how bad it was.